作为一个以英语为母语的人:我出生,长大并居住在美丽的加拿大。这个在线课程系列,我希望通过分享小城镇和大城市的加拿大生活,带来最简单的快乐, 从而鼓励你学习英语, 帮助你提高英语词汇量。
在平时工作中,我是一名网页设计师和软件开发员。在家里,我是一个热爱园艺的园丁。在我的花园里,我喜欢种花和蔬菜, 现在我很高兴能在网络上播种我的频道。
Hi everyone and welcome to English With JT!
If you want to improve your English online while having fun, then you have found the right place!
As a native English speaker – born, raised and living in beautiful Canada, I want to help improve your English vocabulary. With this online lesson series, I hope to encourage you in your English studies by sharing the simple pleasures of both small town and big city Canadian living.
Professionally, I have worked as a web content designer and developer. At home, I am a passionate gardener. In my gardens, I like to plant flowers and vegetables and now I am very excited to grow EnglishWithJT.com.
I’ll share posts about many of my favourite hobbies from summer gardening, to winter sports. I’ll also post about everyday living activities like going grocery shopping or having coffee and tea. We’ll even find fun in cleaning, tidying and fixing things around the house!
I wish that together we can build your English vocabulary. Much like gardening, or building a web site, I believe that learning a language can be as exciting as the planting of new seeds. With some patience and practice, your skill begins to grow. Your passion and dedication eventually bring the greatest harvest of new words and knowledge.
With your participation, I hope to continue growing EnglishWithJT for everyone!
– JT